Job For A Cowboy - Sun Eater (2014)


"Sun Eater" was fourth album of Job For A Cowboy, or well-known as JFAC. Personally this album was very best JFAC ever made. "Demonocracy" was badass album too. But this this twice as their previous album. Honestly, I don't really understand which path they stand, I think modern death metal/technical death metal? Well, you choose on your own,mate. Nate on said "The album breathes life into the death metal genre as an album that can truly stand alone and be compared to nothing else. Wondering riffs, groove driven guitar segments, solos, and deathly vocals all remain a staple in this JFAC release, but what's new is what happens to be the most attractive. The consistent pace of the album is the un-deniable driving factor in bringing their dependable new sound to a whole new level. There are slower and faster segments, but in all, the album paces itself well."

On this case, Literally I agreed with Nate. As we know, sometimes we should take a new way or even being a pioneer to develop old stuff to be a fresh-new, but still.... keep on that path, death metal. Absolutely without forgetting the root.

Talk about those tracks, there are 9 song on this album, and I assured you, it's not a bore album. First track will trap you into divine realm. 'Eating the Vision of God' really evil. It will eat you. A clean guitar riff builds to a crushing mid-tempo groove over off kilter drumming. Well, It's something man...

It was a beautiful song, really catchy clean riff. Really enjoyed it. Next, 'Sun of Nihility' was also one of well-known song on this album. Especially with the guitar solo, it really beautiful solo. Technical drumming and groovy vocal make this song nearly perfrect, and don't forget with that bass. It also contributed and badass too. Well, the rest of the songs was quite badass and complex. I mean this album was dark, fast, groove, slow, and deadly kill your empty soul. All songs are made with such great composition and passion. That's why this was the most atmospheric album they ever made. 'Worming Nightfall' will give you an happy death on this album. It was dark... it was not fast, but it made with full passionate taste.

Job for a Cowboy has never sounded as fierce or as hard hitting as they do on Sun Eater, despite it being their slowest and most atmospheric release yet. The instrumentalists have finally embraced their strengths and honed their instrumental prowess into one of the most unpredictable and ferocious metal albums of the year. They always had it in them, it just took a while for them to find the right sound, and they nailed it perfectly here. Sun Eater is by far the band’s best achievement yet, and fans, as well as previous detractors will be surprisingly treated to one of the most versatile and incredible metal releases of the year.

Track list 
  1. Eating the Vision of God
  2. Sun of Nihility
  3. The Stones Cross
  4. The Synthetic Sea
  5. A Global Shift
  6. A Celestial Antidote
  7. Encircled by Mirror
  8. Buried Monuments
  9. Worming Nightfall
If you like it, please buy it on their official website/merchandise.
Job For A Cowboy - Sun Eater (2014)

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