Obituary - Back From The Dead (1997)


The riffs here are chunky, heavy, with lots of low-end and boom. Not as insanley technical as say, Gorguts, but not the stark simplicity of early Death. Just monster-riffage. The drumming is also good. The blast-beats aren't constant, but still manage to sound as brutal as any other Death Metal band you wish to compare them to. (That does not mean Obituary's drummer is as good as any Death Metal drummer. Pete Sandoval makes this guy look like a 3 Year Old banging on that drumset in the middle of the store). [1]

No need for blast beating or breakdowns. Also forget about 8 string guitars or bass guitars tuned to drop G. There's just no need. Hell no, Obituary manages to create the sludgiest, heaviest death metal sound with their regular 6 string guitars and 4 string bass tuned to D standard. Back From The Dead is easily one of my favorite death metal albums ever along with Six Feet Under's Haunted with twisted guitar passages, sickening vocals, groovy Celtic Frost style drumming, and disgusting lyrics, so you should definitely add it to your metal collection. Even if you're not the biggest metal fan, you still have to possess this true gem for you shall never regret it. [2]

The songs are really good, and fuckin' catchy. 'Threatning Skys' is heavy as all hell, with some good riffs. 'By The Light' is probably the best song on the album, with excellent riffs and a very catchy chorus. 'The Platonic Disease' has some of John Tardy's best vocal work from the album, and the Bullituary Remix sucks fucking dick. [1]

What makes this album truly special though is the abominable guitar work (in a good way). Somehow the riffs never get old. In fact, every time I listen to this album it feels more fresh and threatening due to the supreme riffs played throughout. Every track fills your ears with something completely different and unique. Besides, the gritty guitar tone makes it a million times better. There's a balanced bass and treble sound and enough reverb to make the most metal-sounding tunes. That and the bone chilling solos will live inside your head for days, maybe weeks, making the guitar work overall outstanding. In addition, the bass tone is crunchy and heavy yet perfectly audible. Don't expect the most technical bass slap techniques here, just old school metal bass that will make your speakers vibrate and your house shake, so I don't see why so many people dislike this album. I guess it's just not their taste. They can't really understand the groove that Back From The Dead oozes with every second. [2]

Despite all argument about this album, at least we have to praise it and give a well respect to them. Be a good metalhead. Metalhead isn't always metal, sometimes we have to softhead.


  • Threatening Skies
  • By the Light
  • Inverted
  • Platonic Disease
  • Download
  • Rewind
  • Feed on the Weak
  • Lockdown
  • Pressure Point
  • Back from the Dead
  • Bullituary (Remix)

If you like it, please buy it on their official website/merchandise.

Obituary - Back From The Dead (1997)

Sources [1] [2]

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